Customer Stories
April 3, 2023

How Minite’s High Flyers help Erasmus Enterprise drive success

How Minite’s High Flyers help Erasmus Enterprise drive success

Erasmus Enterprise is a company focused on promoting entrepreneurship education and supporting entrepreneurial ventures in the Netherlands and beyond. We spoke to CEO Ernst Hoestra, about his experience with our 4 High-Flyers! As the CEO, his role is to bring together the resources and people they need to make their mission a reality. This can be a challenging task, as resources are always limited, and finding the right people for the job can be time-consuming. That's why they turned to Minite to provide them access to talented, flexible students who can help them achieve their goals.

What does Erasmus Enterprise stand for and what is your role?

Erasmus Enterprise's primary focus is on accelerating entrepreneurship at Erasmus University through education. We develop programs and business cases around successful entrepreneurs to promote entrepreneurship education in minors as well as in master's education. We also aim to export our knowledge to other universities and polytechnics across the Netherlands. Additionally, we aim to reach out to a larger audience worldwide from Erasmus Enterprise.

Why did you start working with Minite?

As the CEO of Erasmus Enterprise, my role involves pulling everything together and maximizing the resources available to us. However, resources are always limited, so we're constantly looking for ways to increase flexibility and efficiency. This includes finding and selecting the right people, which can be a cumbersome process. By using Minite, we're able to streamline this process and find the right students who can help us meet our goals. Additionally, being on campus, and using Minite helps us to reach potential customers and provide easy access to our company. Overall, it's a mutually beneficial solution for both Erasmus Enterprise and our students.

What do your High-Flyers do at Erasmus Enterprise? You have been working with a bunch of our talents, such as Sagar, Mika, Siësa, and Robin. How do they help your business?

We've had the pleasure of working with some of Minite's top-performing students. These High-Flyers have been instrumental in supporting our projects and tasks across a variety of domains, from legal and marketing to event management and more. For example, we recently tested the platform in the legal space, using Robin's expertise to support us in drafting contracts and agreements. The experience has been very positive so far, and we're excited to see how we can continue to leverage Minite's network of talented students to drive our growth and success.

Can you tell us a bit more about the kind of projects you've collaborated on with Minite?

We worked together with Minite on many projects, including the Erasmus University Challenge and a very secret corporate project in Rotterdam, where students could become a consultant for a day and help to solve different problems for businesses. The way it was organized was professionally done, and the quality of the feedback provided by the students was impressive. Minite again showcased its ability to pull together a workshop-style event and facilitate the brainstorming process with the goal of understanding the needs of the next generation of customers. Overall, this experience was interesting and valuable. At the Erasmus University Challenge, Minite was also pivotal in its success as well by helping recruit both participants and High-Flyers to promote the challenge. Event planning, community building: the High-Flyers were part of it all.

We looked for something where both sides could benefit, and we knew Minite had the perfect database with ambitious students.

Do you have any specific measurable results that high flyers have achieved?

I would say that our organization is constantly growing. Having access to Minite gives my team a level of confidence in knowing that we have the support we need to build something bigger. If we need more people or have to scale up quickly, we know that we can rely on Minite to provide that extra layer of talent. It also helps us professionalize our organization. However, it's hard to say if there are any specific benefits at the moment. We still have to see how things play out with big numbers.

Regarding legal support, it's not necessarily a current need. It's a matter of time before we see tangible results, as most of our assignments have been on the practical side of things like reporting. One of my team members used Minite to move faster with a particular business project, and we've seen that we couldn't have done the Erasmus University Challenge or some of our other projects without your support.

What’s the benefit of working with High-Flyers via Minite?

We've definitely seen the benefits of our collaboration. By having access to a flexible talent pool, we've been able to scale up our operations and take on projects that we might not have been able to handle otherwise. This has given us the confidence to pursue larger goals and to professionalize our organization in new and exciting ways.

We believe that working with Minite will help us achieve our long-term objectives and drive our success as an entrepreneurial venture.

How would you describe the experience working with students so far?

Working with students has been a very positive experience for us. We've found that the students on the Minite platform are smart, motivated, and eager to learn. They pick up on our needs quickly and can provide support in a range of areas. We've also appreciated the opportunity to mentor and guide the students as they develop their skills and knowledge. While there have been some challenges along the way, such as scheduling and communication issues, overall we've been very satisfied with the experience of working with students through Minite. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with the platform and seeing what the future holds for our company.

Why did you choose to work with Minite, especially?

When considering working with a company, we always look for ways in which they can add to our core capabilities. It has to provide additional value, such as flexibility, which we highly appreciate. We also value the recruitment process that you offer, which has been automated and digitized, allowing us to quickly receive information on candidates. Speed, flexibility, and the comprehensiveness of the assessment process are important factors for us. Overall, these were the most important reasons for us to do business with you.

What's next for Erasmus Enterprise?

We aim to create an ecosystem that is sustainable and can become part of Erasmus University. This means that we have to grow in all dimensions, whether it be in the educational aspect or the entrepreneurship projects that we do for different corporations and organizations. We also organize events and primary activities on campus, including marketing activities. In addition, we are still building ventures, which usually involve PhDs or other university professors. We want to enhance these ventures as well, which means that we are growing our ecosystem. Within this ecosystem, we foresee that many of the high-flyers from Minite and other companies can also play a role.

Aha! Planning to hire more High-Flyers? ;-)

Yes, we are planning to hire more people, or recommend them to others. As we expand the ecosystem, there will be more opportunities for the high-flyers and the people from Min to find new jobs on the periphery of the ecosystem.

Any last words?
Working together is really great because it's all about supporting each other. I love the fact that we can openly communicate and bounce cheeky ideas off each other, which keeps us all sharp and inspired to do great things together in the future. It's amazing how quickly we can take action and get things done when we decide to collaborate on a project. I remember I suggested an idea once, and within 20 minutes, I received a contract to sign. That kind of professionalism and focus is very impressive and motivating. Keep up the excellent work, guys!

If you also want to have your own High-Flyer aboard your team, sign up and post a job today or schedule a free 15 min demo and we’ll show you how easy it is to find your next High-Flyer!

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