November 4, 2021

The Magic of Teams: Why High-Flyers should always come in pairs or threes

The Magic of Teams: Why High-Flyers should always come in pairs or threes

At Minite, we curate the perfect freelancing help for you via a pool of young student talent motivated and ready to enter the workforce in its most innovative form: startups. The feeling of our concept is therefore mutual: you get faster, smarter help on your project and you grow as a company, and your student freelancer gets exposure to real-world professional work and grows as an individual. But what if we told you it got better? Imagine a team of two High-Flyers, talent multiplied. Or a team of three, talent cubed! Here’s why a team of High-Flyers yields the best results.

Teams hold each other accountable and help each other out

When you’re working with multiple High-Flyers on a project, it’s like you have a second safety net in terms of getting your expectations met: working collectively towards a common goal is always more effective than working alone. Every High-Flyer’s motivation is sourced from within themselves, but also from their teammates-- and that’s some powerful fuel for faster company growth.

The outcome of teamwork is better solutions, with consistency across all channels and departments. High-Flyer team cohesion provides your company with a faster route to getting where you want to go.

High-Flyer duo Farahnaaz and Axel hold each other accountable and help each other out at Cloudmuscle, where they’re helping their client in different areas. Still, given the innate ambition of a Minite High-Flyer, they come together regularly to collaborate and provide external insights on each of their ownerships. “Axel does marketing, and I do sales. It can be really helpful for me to give him advice on his work from a sales perspective or for him to do the same in my work, from a marketing perspective.” The outcome is, consistency across all channels and departments in your company, with better solutions through this magic teamwork that comes with hiring a team of High-Flyers.

And beyond that, two High-Flyers like Farahnaaz and Axel can go beyond their individual ownerships and collaborate together to maximize the student freelancing experience, for both parties! That team effort will get them to the task goal faster. “Sometimes I help provide Axel with some sales insights for his marketing tasks. Last week, I gave input on the newsletter!” And just like that, creative collaboration at Cloudmuscle has reached new heights-- the High-Flyer duo Axel and Farahnaaz have got it covered.

Teams work together, so you’ll reach your goal faster and smarter

When High-Flyer trio Omar, Lucius, and Sylvia started their growth hacking task at Fonteijn & Jacobsen, none of them knew each other outside of Minite. Now, they’re coordinating their working times and setting up collective zooms to collaborate together. They’ve become a real group of freelancing-friends, and there’s more value to their built relationship than just friendliness. This sort of High-Flyer team cohesion provides your company with a faster route to getting where you want to go.

If three people working together are on the same page all the time, they better understand each other and their individual strengths. Thereby, the High-Flyer trio of Omar, Lucius, and Sylvia has managed to work more efficiently, too, knowing who is good at what and how exactly they can collaborate in their growth hacking efforts.

Some of our other High-Flyer teams also work together in person, organizing times to meet up on campus and collaborate on their task. As they’re getting together, your team of High-Flyers is also naturally creating more independence and thriving via autonomous work, making your life a whole lot easier. They check in on each other so you don’t have to.

Open your mind to a team of High-Flyers, who will boost your horizons of possibilities with the best kind of brainstorming: uniting many minds under one umbrella, let the success rain in!

Teams combine knowledge and experience: more ideas for your company

Many minds are stronger than one, and if you already have taken a look at the fresh insights a Gen Z student can provide for your company while browsing potential candidates for your task, then you know how impressive one High-Flyer mind is. Imagine more. Being in similar life situations (being students, around the same age and living in the same place), provides your team of High-Flyers with a cohesion and natural collaborativeness that makes brainstorming even more effective. Plus, you’ll get a more developed, diverse set of ideas that have been thought through and reviewed by two minds (or three, or more).

Who wouldn’t like more inspiration, especially when that’s such an important factor to early company growth and progress? To expand before you eliminate, open your mind to a team of High-Flyers, who will boost your horizons of possibilities with the best kind of brainstorming: uniting many minds under one umbrella, let the success rain in!

There are multiple reasons to hire multiple High-Flyers, as you’ve now seen, but in the grand scheme of things, teams all do one thing best: they enable creative collaboration through a colorful tree. With a team of High-Flyers, you’ll end up with more perspectives, more productivity, and more possibilities for growth.

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