May 30, 2022

The Freedom of Freelancing: Find your Work-Life Balance

The Freedom of Freelancing: Find your Work-Life Balance

Why is it that the average work environment is characterized by high-stress days and regular burnout? Students, comprising the generation of the next emerging workforce, are our heroes of hyperstimulation: we’re reporting to a world of infinite opportunities, but when limited to a single space to perform and grow professionally, we become overwhelmed. Those infinite opportunities become infinite expectations. All of a sudden, we can’t keep up with anything, even less some much-needed free time. When we’re working on somebody else’s schedule, it’s hard to prioritize ourselves.

You decide when, where, and how you want to work. The High-Flyer harmony is that simple: you personalize the professional.

Flexibility is the name of the game

What’s the way out? It’s time we empower our generation’s strongest suit: versatility! We’re mini-experts in so many things just by what we consume and create digitally every day. And there’s a way to streamline that hyperstimulation: student freelancing. It’s our holy grail here at Minite, and in today’s blog, we’ll get you from autopilot mode to the paradise of ambitious autonomy so that you, too, can find your work-life balance through this magic that is called student freelancing.

Our High-Flyers already know how it works: you shape your reality. You decide when, where, and how you want to work. The High-Flyer harmony is that simple: you personalize the professional.

It’s important to give yourself space and take the time to understand what you need and when/ where you work best. There’s no better way to discover these details than by having the freedom to try everything: perhaps you’re a night owl, and want to do your work at 3 A.M. Perhaps you’re full of wanderlust, and you’re most creatively inspired when you leave your home and work at a cafe or a park.

Birsu, one of Minite’s very own, has a coffee-themed work-prep routine. “I believe that I work the best at home when I make myself some coffee or go on a walk and then get it from a coffee shop. If I do not have the time for it, I may just sit down at my desk and start working t

When we are constantly boxed into the routine of our academic environment, built on a strict schedule, we forget that time is indeed flexible, and, when we are flexible about our own time, we can cultivate the focus every student freelancer already has-- an indispensable advantage for future career experiences.

"I love projects where I work a bit more independently because I am very resourceful, and I get the freedom of coming up with a unique way of doing things."

Tackling the challenge of remote work

If you know what times you work best, you can deliver quality work without the stress of time constraints that aren’t personalized to your liking. “In my schedule, there’s always a last-notice meeting, a course I have to attend, a drink with friends, or just procrastination hits and I have to switch up my entire agenda because of that. Thankfully, freelancing with Minite allows me to do that and be so flexible about my work time,” says Andreea.

Working wherever you want, whenever you want, can, however, offer its challenges, too. If you are unorganized, you may find that you aren’t able to complete your tasks on time; and if you are easily stressed, you’ll run into the same problem. How to handle all this freedom? Find your freelancer focus. Birsu, the creativity master, tells us: “I usually put on music if it is related to editing an image or finding images. On the other hand, if the task is related to reading or writing something then I put on piano music or do the task in full silence. Since I am engaged with tasks I like, it is quick and easy for me to get into my work zone.”

According to Andreea, “you have to find your own rhythm. I love projects where I work a bit more independently because I am very resourceful, and I get the freedom of coming up with a unique way of doing things. Together with the company we find the best solution for us both. In this way, from the very beginning, you are sure to have good communication in place with the company, which is so important in any type of business relationship.”

Indeed Andreea, with freedom and independence comes responsibility: as a High-Flyer, you need to monitor your professional growth and take your own initiatives. But this is just the beauty of it, as Birsu finds it: “I am basically my own boss which allows me to be more efficient with what I am doing.  Of course, I have deadlines for my tasks as well but the difference is that  I get to choose when I want to work on it.”

So bring it on, boss! Freelancing is your career garden, and it’s entirely up to you which seeds you want to plant and how much you want to grow. Water with care, and fly high! Sign up and start your own freelancing journey!

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