Customer Stories
October 12, 2022

MartechTribe’s High-Flyers expand by multitudes, accelerating data analyses

MartechTribe’s High-Flyers expand by multitudes, accelerating data analyses

MartechTribe helps brands find the best marketing software for their company.  a huge data warehouse is maintained and contains data on software from 10k vendors, 900+ stacks (sets of tools that one certain company is using), and a database full of requirements with the most common use cases. Essentially, MartechTribe is licensing the database to companies that include standard graphs and insights.

The deal

Frans, the founder of MartechTribe, originally came to Minite seeking High-Flyers versed in Google Sheets, Low Code, and BigQuery, alongside coding and scraping. But what he needed the most was freelancers. “The type of people that I need are real people that are front runners, that want to explore, pioneer, find new things. So then, Minite is a constant supply of these freelancers that had to break things to come up with new ideas.

“The type of people that I need are front runners, that want to explore, pioneer, find new things and break things. Minite is a constant supply of these freelancers that had to break things to come up with new ideas.”

Minite High-Flyers are known to possess a certain… eagerness to learn and it’s that same eagerness that drew Frans in. “You know, they’re really helping my business, but also themselves and their career. It's a match made in heaven, I would say.”

Why Minite?

Since MartechTribe is innovating, they conduct tons of small experiments. This is why Frans now has an entire pool of High-Flyers, running upwards of 10 of these experiments in parallel. MartechTribe has High-Flyers working on different streams: some are following the technology and maturity stream, some are on counting mentions, and others are scraping. “And it's always like climbing a mountain range. Once you're on top of one mountain, the view is inviting next mountain top where we're heading for.”

It all started out with one High-Flyer, but quickly evolved into a whole team of them! Additionally, they have now acquired their own dedicated High-Flyer coordinator, straight out of Minite’s pool of talent! “I said to Minite, it would be great if somebody can align, coordinate a little bit of admin, but also deliverables, and that's what we're now working on.” Small continuous steps are the name of the game for both MartechTribe and Minite. Minite High-Flyers are always able to be reached and keep in touch with their respective companies. “So if I say, here's the list in Google Sheets and can you find the clear URLs? They (High-Flyers) don't need nuances and subtleties. That's what you want a bright, high-flying student to do.”

The work

Frans’ High-Flyers are working on a few things. Firstly, on output, in the form of insights, which are used in their projects with brands, or as a publication on LinkedIn. “If you talk about the classic four P's of Philip Kotler, its promotion and product that we do. That's where it ends up.” Secondly, since all these insights are generated through collecting data, which High-Flyers scrape, ultimately leading to the need of creating data sets. These data sets are then used to produce an insight. “You need to code query formulas and you need to understand a little bit about statistics.” MartechTribe also works with machine learning and scraping data, and they have a High-Flyer on each part of the pipeline. Together with their new High-Flyer coordinator, they're building infrastructure and a report with all of these insights.

MartechTribe has a structured way of working and Frans always briefs hiHigh-Flyers on what to do. And, a lot of the time, he is in for a treat! Because, Minite’s High-Flyers would have already delivered the results and are on a new trail. “Normally, if I submit a project I would get many respondents. But few of those would have already done the initial steps and then some. That's what High-Flyers do by definition.” In terms of development, you could say they do both the coding and a bit of Quality Assurance. “And that is showing quality. That's what defines a High-Flyer; they try it, they test their stuff, and then share it.”

“You know, they’re really helping my business, but also themselves and their career. It's a match made in heaven, I would say.”

Looking back on things achieved

The ultimate goal for MartechTribe? Automating consultancy. “In our area, it hasn't been done before, not the way I know it. But, we're now taking the first steps. MartechTribe is gauging what companies are really struggling with and how to help them out. And next, automate that process. That's the journey we're on. And I think this will grow in the coming years, at least for us. It's fun.”

Frans is a firm believer in the gig economy - in digital nomads. Himself being a digital nomad before he knew the term existed. And Minite is a strong advocate for that. “It surprised me that such a company (Minite) exists. It's pretty unique in its proposition.”

You only need to have a party that can cater to and delivers those kinds of people and Minite is here for any company on the search for talented, focused, and proactive student freelancers. If you’re one of those companies, go ahead and schedule a free 15 min demo. where we’ll show you just how easy it is to post your own freelance job!

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