Customer Stories
March 2, 2022

Audio Intakes' success story: how their High-Flyer overachieved on content creation

Audio Intakes' success story: how their High-Flyer overachieved on content creation

When a happy Minite client recommended Minite’s High-Flyer services to Bram Tierie, co-founder of Audio Intakes, he decided to give it a try. Fast forward to today and Bram has been working happily with his amazing High-Flyer Arina as content marketeer for his startup Audio Intakes. Audio Intakes is an innovative, simple and intuitive audio technology allowing companies to request candidates to asynchronously answer everything you need to know, saving them and the candidates a lot of valuable time. Read how Audio Intakes boosted their content creation with a Minite High-Flyer.

"We chose Minite because of its ease and high quality. The talent pool is great: we quickly received many strong proposals. Minite handling legal and admin makes it all hassle-free."

“Minite was recommended to me by a company that also had a great experience with their High-Flyer,”

says Bram. “We needed someone to review content and brainstorm new content. Via Minite, we found an excellent content marketeer, Arina. As a start-up, we didn't want to commit to a long-term contract, so the flexibility is ideal.”

When asked why Audio Intakes decided to ultimately choose Minite, Bram answers: “we chose Minite because of its ease and high quality. The talent pool is great and we received a lot of strong proposals in no time. We liked the approach and quality of talent responding, plus the fact that Minite handles the legal and admin side, making it hassle-free.” And what about their collaboration with High-Flyer Arina? “It’s so, so smooth! Our communication and collaboration is structured and the quality of work is high: something which is definitely hard to find for a freelancer.” Like a true High-Flyer, Arina is an overachiever and always goes the extra mile to make the client even happier. For Audio Intakes, this resulted in Arina creating more content than was initially the plan. “We posted more blogs than we aimed to, and our High-Flyer Arina brought in a lot of her own creativity.”

Shared success: a win-win-win for everyone

Once you’re matched with a High-Flyer, you’re not on your own. Minite provides ongoing support and is available in the background if any further care is required. “I like the fact that Minite checks in to see how the collaboration is going,” tells Bram. “This just shows that they care about success.” Shared successes is what we’re all about here at Minite: we’re helping companies grow by connecting them with skilled, vetted High-Flyers. In turn, this helps High-Flyers become better at what they do as well, while adding direct value to businesses. It’s a win (company) - win (High-Flyer) - win (Minite). Minite only grows if our clients and High-Flyers do, and we’ve been growing at lightning speed thanks to the shared successes of all of the companies and student talent we have onboard.

Any last comments from Bram? “Yes! I love the speed at which we found our High-Flyer! To anyone looking for talent on a flexible, freelance basis: post your freelancing jobs on!”

You’ve heard him! Also want an overachieving, driven High-Flyer to take your content strategy to the next level? Or are you looking for an savvy, communicative sales person to increase your revenue? Post your freelancing job today on today for free, and let our top vetted student talent take care of your digital marketing, sales, research, analytics or IT so you can focus on your core business. It only takes a Minite!

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