Customer Stories
October 13, 2021

Ambitious Accountants Unite! How this High-Flyer adds instant value to Boekhoudt.Org

Ambitious Accountants Unite! How this High-Flyer adds instant value to Boekhoudt.Org

Crossing paths: how Minite & Boekhoudt both help entrepreneurs

After 10 years in the business, Leo Boekhoudt knows the ins and outs of accounting. His company helps entrepreneurs keep their bookkeeping polished. “In startups, bookkeeping often gets left behind-- they’re too busy to think about it, until they get a letter from the tax authorities. That’s when they take action and approach us.” We have a common mission: to save time and put a calming lid of structure on the chaos that erupts in startups through rapid growth. But sometimes you even need help to help, so Leo reached out to Minite in search of a High-Flyer.

“It’s only the second month, and our High-Flyer Farahnaaz has already helped multiple entrepreneurs. We’re looking forward to the journey ahead!”

When a student freelancer dives right into application, you get magic

Enter Farahnaaz, a sunny and smart third-year student at RSM Erasmus University with entrepreneurial ambitions and a growing love for accounting. She joined the Boekhoudt.Org team to help with getting invoices into the system as well as onboarding new clients with a backlog. Since her first day at, Farahnaaz has saved Leo lots of time, money, and been able to provide new insights.

A student can do that? Leo thinks back to his academic days.

“After I finished my studies, I got my first job right away. It was great, because I got to implement what I learned. But during my studies, I didn’t have the chance to engage in study-related work. I now want to provide that opportunity to the new generation of students.” With Minite, Farahnaaz has found the opportunity to combine the theoretical with the practical-- our platform creates a marriage between the academic and the professional, so we can encourage simultaneous growth in both areas for our students, who will be making up the workforce of tomorrow.

“The most important thing to me is that I apply everything I’m learning. That’s why I say, don’t do it later, do it now. Theoretical knowledge always turns out different when you apply it. Give yourself the chance to do that, in the real world.” Farah says with a smile that speaks volumes of curiosity and action-turned ambition.

The thrill of the dive from education into career is one that ultimately inspired Leo to give student freelancers a chance. “Farahnaaz is a fast learner. When I explain to her how bookkeeping works, she remembers right away what she learned in school and can directly apply that.” By working as a High-Flyer, Farahnaaz is able to give her interests in finance a third eye and take her knowledge from university outside the classroom. And, simultaneously, Leo is able to benefit from the fresh perspective and ambitious learner that makes Farahnaaz a perfect asset to the team. “It’s only the second month, and Farahnaaz has already helped multiple entrepreneurs. We’re looking forward to the journey.”

In the next three months, Leo can expect a great boost for Boekhoudt.Org when it comes to productivity, thanks to his faith in the potential and added value a High-Flyer like Farahnaaz can bring to your company. See the speedy success for yourself today and post a project on

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