September 4, 2023

High-Flyer of the Month: Tymoer- Journey from Pharmacy Student to High-Flying Sales Rep

High-Flyer of the Month: Tymoer- Journey from Pharmacy Student to High-Flying Sales Rep

Back once again with a brand-new episode of High-Flyer of the Month! This time around, allow us to introduce you to Tymoer, another outstanding talent! Currently wrapping up his studies at Utrecht University, his journey is a whirlwind of academia and freelancing. With a heart set on pharmacy studies and a flair for embracing new adventures, his journey took an exciting twist when he crossed paths with Minite. From hitting the books to diving into the world of sales development, are you curious to learn more? Keep reading to uncover Tymoer's Minite adventure!

Hi Tymoer! How did you discover Minite?

My Minite journey began with a TikTok video. It caught my interest when it mentioned the potential to earn over 20 euros as a student. The video prompted me to explore Minite, and the rest is history.

‍What job have you done with Minite so far? Can you tell us more about what you do in that job?

In my first week, I submitted two proposals that quickly caught the Minite team's attention. They had another project in mind that they thought might be a better fit for me. I thought, 'Why not give it a shot?' So, I agreed to the interview. I met with Christian from Primio, where I've been working.
My role is known as a Sales Development Representative. The company specializes in producing an app for the healthcare sector. It's a learning app specifically designed for healthcare professionals. In my role, I contact various managers and make pitches to them about our product. The goal is to secure appointments with these managers to present our app to them. I'm focused on generating as many leads as possible, aiming to get one or two appointments each day.Β  Fortunately, my background in pharmacy gives me an advantage. My workload is luckily very flexible some months I find myself working up to 100 hours and some weeks I work less, but usually I can choose how much I want to work. That’s a big plus.

‍What do you like about your job at Minite?

The thing I like the most is, of course, the freedom. I can plan anything I want, whenever I want. I just need to meet the minimum amount of hours, but I easily meet that requirement. This month, during summer vacation, for instance, I returned from vacation yesterday, and I'm going back on Monday. That's all fine with them. I informed them two weeks before my vacation, and they were okay with it. It's highly flexible, and I love that aspect. Even with school, if I need to work half days, they tell me, 'You can start whenever you want. Just inform us when you're starting.' It's truly amazing – I can plan my time as I wish, as many times as I want. That's especially helpful when you're a busy student.

I think the most significant thing I've learned from this job is, to be honest, improving my ability to cold call. Initially, many of us from Gen Z tend to be apprehensive about calling people. While I wasn't too fearful of it, I've become much better at approaching people since I have to make cold calls. Cold calling involves reaching out to individuals who don't know you and vice versa. Now, not only am I proficient at work, but I'm also skilled at approaching people in various contexts. It's a great skill that I've developed – an essential social skill, especially in today's world. Networking has become much more manageable since I can easily talk to anyone, even directors or managers, despite them not knowing me initially.

‍Anything else you particularly enjoy about your job?Β 

The team dynamics are great. Christian, my boss, is incredibly kind. He gives me substantial responsibility but trusts me completely. I’m at the company for a year now, and I've never felt micromanaged. They don't frequently call me to check my whereabouts or what I'm doing. There are times when they don't call me at all because they're aware that I'm diligently working. At the end of the day, I provide them with a summary of my accomplishments, and that's all that's needed. This level of trust empowers me to work on my terms. Furthermore, I earn around 20 euros per hour. Moreover, they occasionally treat us to dinners or organize company parties, and I'm always included in these gatherings.

‍ What do you love most about being a High-Flyer?

The best part about freelancing with Minite is that I don't have to handle any of the invoices. I just entered my hours, and that's it. Receiving my payment is seamless. That's the best aspect. Another great thing is how Minite take the effort to check in with us. You inquire about how things are going with our boss and everything.

The best part about freelancing with Minite is that I don't have to handle any of the invoices. I just entered my hours, and that's it. Receiving my payment is seamless.

‍Why would you recommend your friend to start working at Minite?

Well, the easiest and most compelling reason is, of course, the very good pay. Finding a freelance job as a student can often be challenging, apart from opportunities like working at a supermarket or a warehouse, as those are open to everyone. Even in those cases, the pay is lower compared to what you can earn with Minite. Moreover, I firmly believe that the skills you gain from working with Minite hold substantial benefits for your CV. It adds value to your profile beyond merely having any part-time job or working at a startup. With my experience at this startup, I can confidently showcase my capabilities. I can highlight that I'm adept at effective communication and have honed my interpersonal skills.


I firmly believe that the skills you gain from working with Minite hold substantial benefits for your CV

If you've been inspired by Tymoer’s story and want to be a part of the exciting opportunities at Minite, then sign up today and start flying high!


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